
US right wing media is owned by Russia

An indictment was handed down today against two Russians, backed by the Russian government and state media, who were funding a rightwing propaganda machine (and who knows how many others) in the US. They were paying Tim Pool and other lowlifes $100k per video episode to upload Russian propaganda to their YouTube and other social media platforms. The indictment apparently claims it was “unwitting” but I don’t know how dumb you have to be to not know, especially as noted in the indictment that they said the money came from “the Russians.” But this is no surprise, my question is how much of rightwing media and politicians are actually not compromised? Many elected officials have been saying the exact same things that these traitors have been, especially the further into the MAGA underworld you go.

But as despicable as these shills are, the whole movement is a danger because of the things I talked about earlier this year, and it’s proving to be true. When politics becomes your religion, and your fellow citizens become the enemy, people become more and more desperate to have those beliefs reinforced, especially in the face of evidence to the contrary. So they become easier and easier to manipulate simply by repeating their talking points. And whether it’s greed or genuine belief, the outcome is the same…selling out Americans to further Russia’s interests, all while claiming to be patriots.