
American Christians Have Changed

I get it, Christian morality has a dilemma: you can’t seem to change your stances on moral issues because if you do, then you’re accused of relative morality. And if you don’t, then you’re accused of being irrelevant to any moral conversation because an all-knowing, omniscient God knows the future and should know that, for example, slavery would eventually be considered immoral in most circumstances.

But, I’m old enough to remember when American Christians:

  • Led the calls for gun control after Columbine
  • Believed fathering multiple children out of wedlock with multiple women, as well as being a known adulterer, was disqualifying for high office
  • Were the main opposition to gambling,
  • Believed one of their main activities as an organization was helping the poor

So it’s absolutely ludicrous to claim that their morals aren’t flexible and don’t change. Admittedly, they’ve always hated anything LGBT, but if they can change in their stance on gun control, and whatever else, then there’s no reason they can’t change their morals as it comes to basically anything.

But religion is about control and power. And there are no limits when your only goal is power, not morality. As an atheist, my morals do change based on information, like with slavery. We realize in the modern world that slavery is wrong, but the Bible was written before society came to that conclusion, and so must contort itself by saying things like “Christianity is what allowed people to find slavery unacceptable”, an incredibly weak argument that glosses over the hundreds of verses which detail how to be a good slaveowner.

Things have changed. And only one of us is willing to admit it. So can you really trust them?