
Conservatives & Drugs

Watching conservatives is like watching drug addicts. As more and more conservative “influencers” and “news stations” come out as being paid by Russia, you start to realize what is really happening–the conservatives are addicted to “conservative news”, a thing which does not exist. But now that Fox News is so dominant in red areas in the US, and they’ve been shoveling this down their throats for years, the people don’t want the truth anymore.

Anytime a conservative tries to tell their constituents something that is true but that they don’t like, they boo. Example one: There’s no invasion at the southern border. “What do you mean the border crisis is invented? No it’s not!” Then they fall into cognitive dissonance. Example two: Women who aren’t “sluts” still need comprehensive reproductive care, and you are killing women if you support this. “If they don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have sex!!”

And it’s completely obvious they’re brainwashed, because between Biden announcing his withdrawal and Kamala being chosen as the nominee, the man on the street interviews have gone terribly. Because the right hasn’t coalesced around an attack angle, the only thing they see when asked why they don’t support Kamala is that they don’t like her laugh, the exact thing that is filling the vacuum on the airwaves of Fox.

And they’re confused now, because racist and sexist attacks won’t work, and every criticism that Biden received now applies to Trump and only Trump. And his latest appearances show that he is completely unfit and unprepared to be the leader of the free world, as his word salad continues to get more tossed. And he is showing something that Republicans have been showing for years…the fact that they won’t answer a question.

The reason they don’t answer questions any more is because the answers refer policies that are widely unpopular. And rather than embracing that underdog status they just waffle and obfuscate and try to avoid accountability. When asked what the government can do to lower the number of mass shootings, especially in schools, JD Vance called for better security but then metaphorically threw his hands in the air and said that mass shootings are “a fact of life“. Uh no they are not. Just ask the other countries that have gun ownership but no school shootings, or very few.

But this is their policy: more guns and easier access to guns instead of reasonable gun control. Therefore, according to them, we can’t save those kids. The evil is too strong I guess. And when shootings are so often caused by easy access to high-powered war weapons (the Georgia shooting involved a 14-year-old whose father had given him an AR-style weapon for Christmas and who also had previously praised the Parkland shooting), this position is of course, widely unpopular. And why they don’t want to talk about their positions on almost anything, because they are awful.

But they don’t dare tell their voters that.


US right wing media is owned by Russia

An indictment was handed down today against two Russians, backed by the Russian government and state media, who were funding a rightwing propaganda machine (and who knows how many others) in the US. They were paying Tim Pool and other lowlifes $100k per video episode to upload Russian propaganda to their YouTube and other social media platforms. The indictment apparently claims it was “unwitting” but I don’t know how dumb you have to be to not know, especially as noted in the indictment that they said the money came from “the Russians.” But this is no surprise, my question is how much of rightwing media and politicians are actually not compromised? Many elected officials have been saying the exact same things that these traitors have been, especially the further into the MAGA underworld you go.

But as despicable as these shills are, the whole movement is a danger because of the things I talked about earlier this year, and it’s proving to be true. When politics becomes your religion, and your fellow citizens become the enemy, people become more and more desperate to have those beliefs reinforced, especially in the face of evidence to the contrary. So they become easier and easier to manipulate simply by repeating their talking points. And whether it’s greed or genuine belief, the outcome is the same…selling out Americans to further Russia’s interests, all while claiming to be patriots.


School Shooting Season

In Georgia, school has barely started and already there is a school shooting with “AR-style weapon” that killed four and injured many more. I put this right at the feet of MAGA and the right wing, because before the “tea party” and later “MAGA”, school shootings or any major gun violence spurred changes in laws. But after the Sandy Hook shooting, the right sold their soul to politics, essentially saying that mass shooters have a right to the most deadly weapons available and that the 2nd amendment curtails our ability to limit them or who owns them.

To me, this decision was a clear change–saying essentially that no matter what happens, conservatives and right-wingers cannot be influenced or changed or made to feel guilt or shame. And when asked what they would do to help solve the problem, it’s either completely unserious or dystopian.

On the unserious side they say that mass shootings are caused by “mental health”, of course with no explanation. But is mental health then funded or even addressed? No, because it’s just as unserious as “thoughts and prayers.”

On the dystopian side, you have “active shooter drills”, arming the teachers, and bulletproof backpacks. Really. Not make it more difficult for shooters, but more expensive for regular students.

I’ll be happy when this election is over so that either a) MAGA loses the election and then starts on a slow decline taking what’s left of Republicans with them or b) they take over the country, never to let free and fair elections decide our leaders again.

I’m just hoping that I get my friends and family back who I’ve lost to MAGA. Although it will be hard to ever take them seriously in the future.