
Watching “Conservative Media” is so weird

I’m committed to truth, no matter where it is or comes from. That means I can’t simply ignore outlets like Fox because of their bias; I need to occasionally check in to see what’s going on over there.

But watching Sean Hannity is totally bizarre. It’s like you tuned into a TV show and there is no plot rewind and you just have to figure out what everyone is referring to to figure out why the next thing they say is supposed to make sense. They just throw off terms like “communist” and “radical leftist” and lead with something like that, even though them being true requires that you watched earlier when they asserted that without evidence. Once something is asserted and repeated, it is truth.

Like the “after-birth abortions” thing. Everyone just says it like it’s true but I’ve never seen one person, let alone a Democrat, who has ever said they were fighting for what is otherwise called “child murder”.

And when you later see these things repeated verbatim on social media, your immediate reaction is to refute their points, but that is a useless exercise. Now the first thing I think is, “What planet are they on?”

Whenever they complain about “homeless in San Francisco” or how San Francisco is a hellhole, they never say what they would do other than at best some authoritarian “crackdown” that just moves the problem to a different place. The rightwing solution to what they deem to be the biggest problem in America, immigration from the south, is currently mass deportment and internment camps. Not cutting off the incentives, which might actually solve the problems, like actually enforcing labor laws that prevent immigrants from “takin er jerbs.”

I just find it exhausting that they have no desire to find out the truth, but want to be lied to. When someone tells them a truth they don’t like at one of their rallies, they boo.

You can’t lead the world if you’re not living in the world that everyone else is in. You can’t lead the world if you need to be lied to. And you certainly can’t solve any problems if you can’t even figure out what the problem is.

Which are why there are only insane “solutions” coming from the right.